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Spine Chapter aims to raise the awareness of spine surgery among fellow members and share the latest development of spine surgery.

Convenor: Dr CHAN David Yuen Chung

Advisor: Dr SUN Tin Fung David

Foundation of the HKNS Spine

HKNS Spine Chapter

Terms of Reference

Objectives :

To provide a platform for developing and sharing spinal surgery interests among Neurosurgeons in different hospitals.

The section will perform its role within the following missions:

  • To pioneer and to maintain Hong Kong Neurosurgery Spine management/ surgery up to advanced international standards.

    • To share clinical experience and surgical assistance.

    • To promote, participate and organize educational and training activities/programmes/ researches

  • To enhance exposure and experience of Neurosurgeons to spine surgery.

    • To promote public and medical recognition of Neurosurgery spine management.

    • To facilitate and assist local and overseas spine surgery training.

  • To follow directions and rules of the Hong Kong Neurosurgery Society.

Activities organised by HKNS Spine


Cervical Spine Surgery Course, CUHK


Cervical Spine Surgery Course, CUHK

China Spinal Cord Injury Network

31 March 2006 -2 April 2006

Spine Workshop- Beijing 2006

25 Mar 2007

Synthes Prodisc C clinical trial workshop

29 Sep 2007

Synthes Anterior Lumbar Surgical Approach Course (Hands-on Session)

13 July 2008

Lecture and Life demonstration in Lumbar Degenerative Disease

17-18 Oct 2008

Neurosurgery Central Commissioned Training - Surgical Approaches for Ventral Tumor in Thoracic Spine

26 Jul 2009

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Cadaveric Workshop - Percutaneous TLIF and Vertebral Body Augmentation

Overseas Training



 by The Hong Kong Neurosurgical Society Ltd. Disclaimer

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